Dear Community, COVID has been challenging for us all. We will not be running an in-person event in 2021 - Seed is just too large and unacceptably risky. Nor will we host a digital event, instead we’re collaborating with Burning Man’s Multiverse and encouraging everyone to put their energies into this space.

Burning Seed needs YOU! During this difficult period, extended restructure process, and without the delivery of an event to focus our energies, some of our most experienced volunteers have left the organisation. Volunteers are essential to our organisation - their loss is a huge blow. But after every fire, there is regrowth.

Our Restructure Committee has continued to meet and progress their important work. Burning Seed and the Red Earth City Board remain committed to a restructure and a transition to a member-driven, elected and not-for-profit entity wholly owned by you – our community. This change is essential and a clear recommendation from our community consultation. Due to the complexity, more time will be needed to achieve this. We will keep you updated as it progresses and we will post updates from them on our new website.

Oh yeah, let’s talk about that! We’ve got a shiny new website. The old site was getting pretty overgrown. We’ve archived it and we’ll be gradually migrating material over. The ongoing work of restructure and the new site are part of the start of our regrowth.

We know Burning Seed and our community will regrow because we all share the same vision: to gather again in person stronger than ever and celebrate. And there are good reasons to be optimistic for an event in 2022. So if you want to bring that vision alive, get in touch. We have volunteer positions that adapt to your availability and suit all skills. You can find some of the most essential roles that need filling to make 2022 happen on the site.

In the meantime, we want to support any micro-burns and theme camp events. Keep carrying the torch for us until we can return. You can submit events to the Events Calendar on our new website.

Burn Bright )'(


WIll there be a burn in 2021?